In a stunning revelation, the US Department of Justice has exposed a covert Russian Propaganda operation funnelling millions of dollars to prominent right-wing social media influencers through a Tennessee-based company, Tenet Media. The DOJ alleges that Kremlin-backed efforts sought to manipulate American audiences ahead of the 2024 election by covertly funding influencers who unwittingly pushed pro-Russian narratives to their millions of followers.

  • Secret Russian Payments: The DOJ indictment, unsealed on Wednesday, revealed that Russian state media funnelled nearly $10 million into Tenet Media. The company, which boasts high-profile right-wing influencers like Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, and Dave Rubin, received substantial funds to promote content aligned with Kremlin interests—without the influencers’ knowledge. Tenet Media, launched in 2023, presents itself as a platform for “heterodox commentators” tackling political and cultural issues in the West.
  • Massive Payouts to Influencers: The court documents detail how some influencers received astronomical payments to boost Kremlin-approved narratives. One unnamed influencer was paid a staggering $400,000 per month, with another receiving a $100,000 signing bonus. These personalities, who built their followings through platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and X, reached millions of viewers, unknowingly spreading narratives that benefited Russia’s geopolitical interests.
  • Pushing Pro-Russian Narratives: The DOJ indictment alleges that the influencers amplified narratives that supported Russia’s objectives, including questioning Ukraine’s role in the ongoing war and stoking fears about the LGBTQ+ movement. In one instance, Tim Pool, known for his black beanie and controversial statements, loudly declared on a livestream, “Ukraine is the enemy of this country!”—a statement that aligns closely with the Kremlin’s disinformation campaign. Pool had previously hosted far-right figures on his podcast, including Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio.
  • Covert Content Directives: In one shocking example, Russian state media directly asked Tenet Media to push specific talking points after a terrorist attack in Russia in March 2024. The Kremlin sought to blame Ukraine for the attack, despite ISIS claiming responsibility. The indictment alleges that Tenet’s founders reached out to one of their influencers, who agreed to cover the topic. This collaboration between Russian agents and US-based influencers underscores the extent of Moscow’s interference in shaping public discourse.
  • Political Fallout: The DOJ stated that the influencers were unaware of Russia’s backing, and many have since claimed they were victims of a larger scheme. Benny Johnson, a former BuzzFeed employee and now a MAGA influencer with 2.4 million YouTube subscribers, was quick to distance himself from the scandal. “I never received any request for coverage,” he stated on X (formerly Twitter), denying any involvement. Meanwhile, Lauren Southern, another influencer linked to Tenet, faced intense scrutiny over her past connections to the alt-right and white nationalist spaces.
  • Russia’s Playbook: The DOJ’s allegations echo previous Russian disinformation efforts, including their interference in the 2016 US election. Russia has long leveraged social media platforms to divide Americans, and this latest scheme further exposes the vulnerabilities of the US digital media landscape. By covertly funding influencers with millions of followers, Moscow infiltrated and influenced narratives without detection—until now.
  • Response from Influencers: Several Tenet Media influencers have spoken out, claiming they had no knowledge of the source of their payments. Tim Pool, in a live stream, insisted, “Never at any point did anyone other than I have full editorial control of the show.” Dave Rubin, who was also implicated, denied any connection to Russian funding, stating that his content is “often apolitical.”

The DOJ’s indictment of Russian state media employees highlights the growing threat of foreign interference in US elections via the rapidly expanding influence of social media stars. With millions of Americans turning to these figures for their news and views, this case serves as a stark reminder of how vulnerable online platforms are to exploitation. The unmasking of this Russian-funded scheme underscores the need for greater transparency and vigilance in the age of digital media, where influencers wield extraordinary power over public opinion.

The original news is here:

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